Designing an Effective Reimbursement Program Project

Posted May 14, 2020 by Sarah Volk

The CashCourse Reimbursement Program provides funds for incentives to qualifying projects that promote awareness and use of CashCourse among students enrolled in a particular institution. Reimbursement awards are in the range of $500 to $1,500.

Projects that are well-designed, smartly planned and goal-oriented have a better chance of receiving funding from CashCourse. This is a basic guide to what NEFE considers criteria for an effective project. This is intended only as a guide to get you started; you are not limited to the ideas or information below.

Goals of the CashCourse Reimbursement Program

We want to increase student awareness and use of the CashCourse website and related resources. Given access to the right tools and information, students can become more financially aware and build positive money management habits.

Our primary goals are as follows:

  • Engage and Inform Students. Show them what CashCourse is, what it has to offer, and where to access it. We monitor student engagement on our website to assess the effectiveness of these efforts.
  • Increase Faculty Engagement. If more staff members are aware of CashCourse, then more people are telling students about CashCourse and using its resources in campus programming and coursework.
  • Create Interdepartmental Participation. Broaden the reach of CashCourse. The more channels that are used throughout your campus, the more effective your efforts will be.

Your own school or departmental goals should also factor into your proposal. What are you trying to achieve? How will you measure it? How does it help your students improve their financial education?


While planning and executing your project, we recommend using our Campus Planning Workbook to create effective and meaningful programming.

CashCourse offers a number of other resources to help you meet both the goals of the Reimbursement Program and your department or school's goals. In the Resource Library, you will find:

  • Marketing materials such as flyers, CashCourse logos, and pre-written social media posts.
  • Workshop Kits , which contain slideshow presentations and facilitator guides for a variety of personal finance topics.
  • Educational materials  such as our 40 Money Management Tips booklet and CashCourse Challenge online scavenger hunt.

We also suggest utilizing resources such as coursework modules, financial calculators, our Budget Wizard, videos, and articles that can be found on the CashCourse website.

For evaluating your financial education project, NEFE offers the Financial Education Evaluation Toolkit. The Evaluation Toolkit allows you to design simple, effective evaluations that make it easy to demonstrate learning and show the value of your financial education programming.

CashCourse offers individual coaching time during the application process. If you have questions about designing an effective project, sign up for a time slot to get one-on-one help planning your financial education initiative. Sign up for coaching time.