Include Parents in Financial Literacy Initiatives

Posted August 1, 2016 by Raven Newberry

New student orientations are just around the corner as the 2016-17 school year begins! If your campus serves many traditional-aged students, parents often take part in these events. This is a great opportunity to motivate students by introducing their parents to the financial education resources available on campus. The CashCourse team frequently gets feedback that parents encourage students to take advantage of the financial education resources highlighted during orientation. Many want to make sure their students are making informed decisions during the financially vulnerable years of college.

Need help introducing CashCourse at your orientation event? Try our workshop kit, “Investing in Yourself: What CashCourse Can Do For You”. Letting parents know about these resources might help win over fellow financial literacy advocates.

Are you just getting started with CashCourse this fall semester? Check out our Campus Planning Workbook for ideas and best practices.